
A Tribute to the Non-Vaccinated - Letter From French General Christian Blanchon - Did You Resist the Pressure?

Did You Resist The Pressure?

French General Christian Blachon
General Christian Blanchon

"You’ve passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts, and geniuses couldn’t pass."

Below is an excerpt from French General Christian Blanchon in a letter he wrote praising those who resisted the pressure to get the thing we can't say and for passing the test, despite years of pressure campaigns, discriminatory policies, social exclusion, loss of income, threats, and being blamed for other’s deaths, the General thanked the “unvaccinated” for their strength, courage, and leadership.

 Here are the words from General Christian Blanchon:

“Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the greatest pressures I have ever seen, including  from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues, employers and doctors.

People who have been capable of such personality and courage, undoubtedly embody the best of humanity.

They are found everywhere, in all ages, all levels of education, all countries, and opinions.

They are of a particular kind; these are the soldiers that any army of light wishes to have in its ranks

They are the parents that every child wishes to have and the children that every parent dreams of having.

They are beings above the average of their societies; they are the essence of the peoples who have built all cultures and conquered horizons.

They are there, by your side, they seem normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not do; they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination, and social exclusion.

And they did it even though they thought they were alone and believed they would be taking their stand alone.

Excluded from their families’ Christmas tables, they have never seen anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, they let their careers sink, and had no more money… but they did it anyway. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciations, betrayals, and humiliation… but they continued.

Never before in humanity has there been such a casting; we now know who the resisters are on planet Earth.

Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, from all races and all religions … the unvaccinated, the chosen ones of the invisible ark … the only ones who managed to resist when everything fell apart and society collapsed.

You’ve passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts, and geniuses couldn’t pass.

You are made of the stuff of the greatest that ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men whose lights shine in the dark.”

See Also:

John Stockton: Point Guard For Freedom

When Strange and Weird Things Happen To You: Do NOT Give Up!

Hardcover Edition of "Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side" is Published (10-Year Anniversary)

It Only Matters What God Sees or Thinks of You

A Salute to the Unvaccinated

Those who refused getting the thing are the best people on earth for resisting the biggest propaganda and pressure campaign ever!


WATCH A SECOND VIDEO with highlighted video clips throughout:

The above two videos are reading from the letter of French General Christian Blanchon.

See Here: Letter from French General Christian Blanchon

See Also:

John Stockton: Point Guard For Freedom

When Strange and Weird Things Happen To You: Do NOT Give Up!

Hardcover Edition of "Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side" is Published (10-Year Anniversary)

It Only Matters What God Sees or Thinks of You


John Stockton: Point Guard For Freedom!

I'm more proud to be a John Stockton fan more than ever!

John is strongly and boldly speaking out in support and defense of Freedom!

Standing up for Truth and Freedom is more important than any basketball game.

John Stockton definitely is a champion as are each one of us who refuse to quit! Never Give Up!

John, you won the championship as it can be seen in how you are fighting for Freedom now with all your heart, which is the heart of a champion!

I recommend everyone watch John's shows on his channel entitled "Voices For Medical Freedom" on the video channel named Rumble.

And if you can, also "subscribe" to the channel and receive the email newsletter updates to be notified whenever a new show is published.

YouTube deleted the channel and I think we all know why since YouTube has been notorious since being bought by Google, for censoring Free Speech especially when Freedom is involved.

Watch "John Stockton: Point Guard for Medical Freedom" here:

Go to the "Voices For Medical Freedom" channel on Rumble here:

Timothy McGaffin II and John Stockton, April 17, 1992
Timothy McGaffin II and John Stockton, April 17, 1992.
(Tim is glancing over at his parents as the photo was being taken.)

Also see the "Voices For Medical Freedom" website:

Voices For Medical Freedom: Your Voice Matters

See Also:

It Only Matters What God Sees Or Thinks Of You

When Strange And Weird Things Happen To You: Do NOT Give Up!

Hardcover Edition of "Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side" is Published (10-Year Anniversary)

How to Be A Champion at Anything You Choose to Do In Your Life ...Guaranteed


Champions Never Quit - Hardcover Book by Timothy McGaffin II



It Only Matters What God Sees or Thinks of You


Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop Haircut 2024

It does not matter what the world sees or thinks of you. It only matters what God sees or thinks of you.

Jesus did not do anything wrong. Yet he had to suffer for all of our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane. And he suffered all of the negative experiences, pain, misery and wo each of us has ever felt or gone through in our lives individually. 

Therefore since Jesus didn't do anything wrong, and because he suffered more than anyone, that means Jesus got knocked down more than anyone. 

And that also means he had to get back up more than anyone.

So Jesus showed us through his example that he wants us to get back up too when we get knocked down because that is what Jesus himself did and that is what he cares about the most and that is what he is looking for in each of us the most.

As Vince Lombardi once said, "The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall."

Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - 2024

The most difficult thing you can do in your life is to get back up when you get knocked and not only is that the most difficult thing you can do, but that is also the greatest thing you can do in your life.

Heavenly Father and Jesus are looking to see if you will get back up which is the most important thing you can do in your life. That is what God cares about the most. That is what God is looking for the most in you.

It does not matter what the world sees or thinks of you because the world cannot actually see you.

The world cannot see you because the world is looking for and seeking after the things that will all eventually come to an end.

The world is run by Lucifer / Satan and the world (Satan) sees and praises things that lead people away from God and toward tyranny, slavery, death and defeat and destruction.

Satan leads us to a dead end while God leads us to the finish line.

The finish line is where Life, Liberty, and Victory are waiting.

God is looking for and seeking after those things that have no end. God is looking for the individual that will not give up.

Only God and those who are following God's example of not giving up can actually see you.

Anyone who chooses to not give up is choosing to follow the example of Jesus and choosing to be a Champion!

Those who choose to be a champion are choosing those things that are eternal such as the greatest of all gifts which is eternal life, that Jesus gives to each of us if we don't quit.

Eternal Life!
Eternal Liberty!
Eternal Victory!

I know the greatest type of person you can become in your life is a champion. Because only a champion has the greatest power in the universe in their heart which power is never giving up or never quitting.

Champions Forever!

Since Jesus never gave up, more than anyone, he is able to help you to also never give up, when you exercise faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus by rising again after the fall.

Timothy McGaffin II and Cheri McGaffin - Flattop - 2024 
 - Timothy McGaffin II

Autograph of Timothy McGaffin II


Tim McGaffin II 12 years old and John Stockton
Tim McGaffin II, age 12, gets his picture taken with John Stockton


When Strange and Weird Things Happen To You: Do NOT Give Up!


Usually when you have strange or weird things happen to you, this many times is opposition from Satan himself trying to stop you from getting to where you are going.

When strange and weird things happen to you, it doesn't usually mean you're on the wrong path but it usually means you are on the right path and Satan is doing everything he can to try and get you to give up!

No one and nothing can stop you but yourself because no one can actually make you quit but you.

It's the 10-Year Anniversary of "Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side" and I have put together some surprises in the book meant for YOU.

I believe in you and more importantly, God believes in you. And we are counting on you. We can NOT win without you. This book is about you and for you.


-Timothy McGaffin II

Tim McGaffin and Cheri McGaffin headshots
Tim McGaffin II and Cheri McGaffin

Autograph of Timothy McGaffin II

Stacks of book Champions Never Quit by Timothy McGaffin II

Purchase "Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side" from these book stores:


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Hardcover with Dust Jacket

You can buy the hardcover editions as well as paperback and digital downloads from Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

Hardcover with Dust Jacket at Barnes and Noble:
Also on Barnes and Noble is the option to purchase the Hardcover with Dust Jacket (Click Link)

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 1

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 2

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 3

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 4

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 5

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 6

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 7


Tim McGaffin II gets his picture taken with John Stockton

Tim McGaffin Flattop Haircut and Smile