
Can't Stop The Flattop

Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop

The flattop is the ultimate basketball haircut.

NBA players such as Chris Mullin, Scottie Pippen and Patrick Ewing have some perfect flattops. And many other players have this best haircut.

The flattop is a symbol of consistency, persistence, perseverance, or most simply stated: never quitting.  

Nothing can stop a flattop just like nothing can stop a champion!

Thank you for your support!

Thank you for being someone that also never gives up.

"You just can't beat the person who never gives up!" - Babe Ruth

The greatest example of never giving up is Jesus because he got knocked down more than anyone when he suffered for our sins and he also had to get back up more than anyone.

So Jesus taught us through his example what he cares about the most: That you get back up!

Because getting back up is what Jesus did. He literally resurrected!

Champions Never Quit!

Together, as a team, we can never be stopped because we will never quit.

-Timothy McGaffin II

Timothy McGaffin II Flattop Haircut Big Smile
Please enjoy some of the photos below.

“The flattop is the ultimate basketball haircut. A lot of basketball players had this haircut where your hair stands up vertically high on top of your head cut flat and shaped square on the top. I wanted to get my hair cut like this because I really liked the artistry, the toughness, the strength of the cut. I felt inspired to get a flattop. When I tried to figure out why I felt inspired to get my hair cut like this I realized it is because the flattop is an outward expression of ‘never quitting.’ The lines are strong, tough, consistent, persistent, persevering, unbreakable, unstoppable, and invincible. Sometimes people ask me if I’m in the military because the cut is short like military-style cuts. I say that I’m not in any earthly military but I am in God’s Army just like you.” - Timothy McGaffin II, "Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side"

Timothy McGaffin Flattop Haircut holding book

Timothy McGaffin Flattop Haircut updated

Timothy McGaffin Flattop Haircut water demo

See also:
"How to Be A Champion at Anything You Choose to Do In Your Life ...Guaranteed!"

Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - Headshot
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - photo 2
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - photo 3
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - holding Ron Paul sign
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - photo 4
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - The Book of Mormon
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - O Livro De Mormon
Timothy McGaffin II and Cheri McGaffin - Flattop
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop 2024
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop 2024 photo 2
Timothy McGaffin II and Cheri McGaffin - Flattop
Timothy McGaffin II and Cheri McGaffin - Flattop Haircut on the Beach
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop Haircut Flexing Muscles on the Beach
Timothy McGaffin II - Never Give Up, flexing muscles on beach in tank top with Flattop haircut
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop outside smiling
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - blue v-neck shirt
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - Profile
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - Golden Hour
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - Profile - Smile
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - Side Head Turn
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - Red Brick
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - Torso - Big Smile
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - Headshot - Suit
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop Haircut
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - Opposite Profile
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - Squared Headshot
Timothy McGaffin II - Flattop - Big Smile


  1. Great, I love flattops as well, and yours looks real great!

  2. Keep up the Flattop looks great! It's clean, sharp, makes a statement of strong will power/leader. You look sharp. B

  3. Georgous man and awesome flattop

  4. I read a copy of your book : excellent way of seing life. Love the flattop though, meaning strenght and courage... can't wait to see it back !

    1. Thank you very much. I'm very happy that you read my book. That means to much to me. And yes the flattop will definitely be back.

  5. I miss the flattop is been a long time bring it back now look so powerful & handsome.

    1. Thank you! The prophecy has been fulfilled! The Flattop is back! I'll post some more photos.

  6. I miss the flattop bring it back now look so handsome & powerful educated.

    1. Thank you so much for your inspiring words! The Flattop has returned!!! Let's go!!!

  7. Look so much younger & stronger!!!! The flat top was meant for you

    1. Thank you very much!!!! I really appreciate your comment and support and friendship! I'll keep posting new flattop photos.

  8. 2025 has to be the good return of Flat Top Haircut

    1. Yes! Thank you. The flattop returned in 2024 and will be in effect for 365 days of 2025! Let's make this the best year ever for Winning!

  9. Next time try record video of you getting flattop haircut while talking witht he barber about everything . Upload it to youtube

  10. Please do a flat top haircut tutorial YouTube
