
When Strange and Weird Things Happen To You: Do NOT Give Up!


Usually when you have strange or weird things happen to you, this many times is opposition from Satan himself trying to stop you from getting to where you are going.

When strange and weird things happen to you, it doesn't usually mean you're on the wrong path but it usually means you are on the right path and Satan is doing everything he can to try and get you to give up!

No one and nothing can stop you but yourself because no one can actually make you quit but you.

It's the 10-Year Anniversary of "Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side" and I have put together some surprises in the book meant for YOU.

I believe in you and more importantly, God believes in you. And we are counting on you. We can NOT win without you. This book is about you and for you.


-Timothy McGaffin II

Tim McGaffin and Cheri McGaffin headshots
Tim McGaffin II and Cheri McGaffin

Autograph of Timothy McGaffin II

Stacks of book Champions Never Quit by Timothy McGaffin II

Purchase "Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side" from these book stores:


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Hardcover with Dust Jacket

You can buy the hardcover editions as well as paperback and digital downloads from Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

Hardcover with Dust Jacket at Barnes and Noble:
Also on Barnes and Noble is the option to purchase the Hardcover with Dust Jacket (Click Link)

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 1

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 2

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 3

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 4

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 5

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 6

Hardcover of Champions Never Quit: God Is Close By Your Side authored by Timothy McGaffin II photo 7


Tim McGaffin II gets his picture taken with John Stockton

Tim McGaffin Flattop Haircut and Smile


  1. Going to order your book based on its message but also because I feel about flattops exactly how you described. Your's is awesome and your message is so needed in today's world

    1. Thank you so much for your great words. The Flattop haircut is the best haircut in the world. I'm happy you love flattops as much as I do. And thank you especially for letting me know you're planning to order my book and that you already understand the message of the book. You cannot understand the message and its power if you don't also have the same power within you. Therefore I hope you will see yourself in the book. I'm sharing some real-life experiences that happened to me in the book but it's not necessarily about me, it's about everyone who helped me, inspired me and supported me. It's about all of us who refuse to give up. Just like Babe Ruth said, "You just can't beat the person who never gives up." We will cross paths more in the future. You are inspiring.
